Tuesday 26th July 2022 - Friday 29th July 2022

Location: Killington

Admission: £130

This four day RYA Stages 1 & 2 course is suitable for young people aged 8 upwards starting to sail. We will cover rigging and launching the boat, steering it and sail setting. By the end of the course participants should have a range of sailing skills, be well on their way to being a good small boat sailors and be able to join our high tide cadet sessions at Arnside.

During this course we aim to maximise water time, but there will be some land based theory such as knot tying.

Every care has been taken in compiling our events list and we believe the information to be correct but we cannot accept responsibility for any inconvenience or expense arising from its use. We suggest that you confirm details and prices directly with the event organiser if you require definitive details.