Lectures and visits

The History Society runs a series of winter lectures on the first and third Wednesdays of every month, usually in Settlebeck High School. During the summer a number of visits are arranged varying from local walks to excursions to a variety of historical locations.


There is a comprehensive archive available to the public at 72 Main Street. The archive contains copies of parish registers, tithe maps and schedules, censuses, land tax returns, graveyard records, deeds and wills, as well as an extensive collection of photographs dating from about 1858. There are many documents concerning St. Andrew’s Church contributed by Trinity College, Cambridge and Sedbergh School has provided the surviving governors’ minutes up to 1874 when it ceased to be the Free Grammar School of King Edward VI In Sedbergh.


The History Society publishes three newsletters each year in addition to Its annual journal, The Sedbergh Historian.


Further details are available on the Society’s website.