To do this we need local people who are interested enough to volunteer!

Stewards attend events free of charge so why not sign up and come along, you’’ll be pouring tea and selling tickets, nothing too strenuous and we guarantee it’’ll be fun!

Trustees are the decisions and ideas people, we aren’’t a formal bunch so we’’ll appreciate your input whatever it is. Trustees are registered with the Charity Commission and Companies House and should we go bust you would only be asked to pay £10.

Friends of Sedbergh Booktown: The ‘Friends’ of a charity or group usually run themselves as a separate entity from the body they befriend. They hold events and fund-raising drives to help the charity. Is there someone out there who feels this might be something they would like to do? Please let us know by one of the methods below.

So that’s it, your Booktown needs you.
Phone 015396 21770
Or call in at the Sleepy Elephant,  41 Main Street, for more info.