Burn Beck Moss nature reserve

It is situated in the low fells above Killington and is easily accessed from the A684 via the minor road (known as the Old Scotch Road) which runs to the east of Killington Lake.

There is a circular footpath running round the reserve. This is mainly flat and has sections of boardwalk. However the path can be very wet and slippery after rain.

Burn Beck Moss nature reserve

The reserve mainly comprises a boggy area which was once a small tarn. Since Cumbria Wildlife Trust acquired the site in 1995 past attempts to drain the area have been reversed to restore the wetland environment. Roe deer, hare, fox heron, snipe, tawny owl and reed bunting are common, while summer visitors include warblers, curlew and whinchat. The area also makes a fine habitat for many insect species.

For further information and exact location see www.cumbriawildlifetrust.org.uk/reserves/burns-beck-moss