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Distance: 19.0 km (11.75 miles) Ascent: 450m (1500ft)
Time: 4 – 5 hours
Moderate to tough with section of open fell. Extensive views. Not suitable for prams, buggies or wheelchairs. Boots or trail shoes needed. Muddy after rainfall.
Starting from Sedbergh Information Centre, 72 Main Street (1), go down the small alley immediately opposite and to the right of Rycroft’s Hardware Shop. On meeting the main road at the bottom turn left and cross the road using the zebra crossing.
Within 20 paces turn right down Vicarage Lane. Follow this lane to the bottom but as it swings left proceed in the same direction as before through a kissing gate and uphill. Cross a small lane through two more kissing gates and to the top of the hill (2). On cresting the hill continue half left downhill through a gate, across the field to another gate to walk alongside a stream. Now follow the path across the stream to then follow the river Rawthey through a series of gates until eventually arriving at New Bridge.
Cross over the river at New Bridge and follow the road away from Sedbergh, at first on pavement then carefully on the roadside (please walk facing the oncoming traffic), for 400 metres until you reach a road joining from the right. Take this road (3). After a further 500 metres the road forks. Here keep left and climb Frostrow Lane for 800 metres passing between various cottages and farm buildings, and ignoring all signposts to left or right.
At the end of the tarmac (4) pass to the right of a house to reach a ladder style over a wall. Climb the style and continue out onto the moors, following the bridleway for the next 2km. To begin with follow the wall and stream. At a cairn fork left and walk steeply uphill. Continue in the same direction keeping a wall and a barn over to your left. Head slightly right to cross a boggy area and then follow the distinct track up the valley with Holebeck Gill on your left. The track swings steeply up the slope. Eventually you will come to a corner of a wall near the summit ridge of Long Moor. Continue along the track with the wall on your right until you reach a fingerpost with a gated stile on your right (5). Cross over the style and now continue downhill, with Dent appearing in the distance, again keeping the wall on your right.
This track will become walled-in on both sides and passes through a series of gates. Follow the track for 1 km until eventually passing between farm buildings at Lunds. Here dogleg left and right to then follow the tarmac lane down to join the Sedbergh to Dent road. Turn left along the road for a few paces and cross over the bridge (6).
For a shorter walk take the stile on the right just after the bridge. Follow the Dales Way through fields by the river to emerge on the minor road part way between Gawthrop and Brackensgill Bridge. Blue route on map
Continuing the main route take an opening on your left just after the bridge. Follow the path across fields, through gates and over stiles until you again meet the main road. Turn left along the road for a few paces until re-joining the path to follow the river Dee upstream. At the road turn right and walk up into Dent (7) where you can explore the church, the Heritage Centre or take advantage of the shops and hostelries.
On leaving Dent take the road towards Sedbergh, past the Information Centre and then look out for a fingerpost on your left by a sign for Dales Trails (8). Follow the footpath round to the right into a camp site then follow the footpath with a wall on your left. After crossing a stile proceed half-left uphill to pass through a farm gate and between farm buildings. Continue in the same direction through fields following the signs to Gawthrop.
Hug the lefthand side of the field and pass between the farm buildings, through a gate, down a wall-lined track to emerge in Gawthrop (9). Swing right to meet the road at a T-junction, turn left and ignore a road joining from the left from Barbon. You will now stay on this quiet lane for around 2km.
Shorter route joins in part way along this lane. (10)
Continue along the lane, ignoring a footbridge on your right until you walk between farm buildings. Here turn right down to Brackensgill Bridge (Dales Way) (11). Make your way across a plank bridge to the bridge over the Dee. Proceed up the track until you meet the road where you will dogleg left then right to join a track heading uphill, signposted Millthrop.
After 400m take the left-hand fork (12). You will now follow this bridleway for the next 1km past a farmhouse on your right, through a series of gates to emerge back out on the moors. Drop down the track and carry on in the same direction into Millthrop (13). At the bottom of the track turn right then take the first left, walk down to the main road, turn right and cross the river Rawthey.
Walk uphill for 400m facing the oncoming traffic until you see a small gated stile on the right immediately opposite the road sign for Sedbergh (14). Go through the gate and proceed diagonally left uphill. At the top of the hill, pass through a squeeze stile and on cresting the hill you will recognise the track from your outward journey. You can now retrace your steps back to the information centre.