Location: Churches in the Western Dales
Every Sunday: 8.30am BCP Holy Communion
First Sunday: 10.30am Morning Service
Second Sunday: 10.30am Holy Communion
Third Sunday: 10.30am Joint Service with Cornerstone Community Church
Fourth Sunday: 10.30am Holy Communion
4pm Teatime Church (a new service, particularly good for children)
Every Monday: 9.30am Morning Prayer
Every Wednesday: 11.30am BCP Holy Communion
St Andrew’s Cornerstone Community Church, Sedbergh
First Sunday: 10.30am Connect@Cornerstone
Second Sunday: 10.30am Morning Service
4pm Messy Church
Third Sunday: 10.30am Joint Service with St Andrew’s, Sedbergh
Fourth Sunday: 10.30am Holy Communionhurch, Dent
St Andrews Dent
First Sunday: 10.30am Joint Service at Dentdale Methodist Church
Second Sunday: 10.30am Holy Communion
Third Sunday: 10.30am Joint Service at Dentdale Methodist Church
Fourth Sunday: 10.30am Holy Communion
Every Tuesday: 9.30am Morning Prayer (BCP Holy Communion on the 1st Tuesday of the month)
Dentdale Methodist Church
First Sunday: 10.30am Morning Service
Second Sunday: 10.30am Joint Service at St Andrew’s, Dent
Third Sunday: 10.30am Morning Service
Fourth Sunday: 10.30am Joint Service at St Andrew’s, Dent
St John the Evangelist’s Churchhurch, CowgiFirst Sunday: 2.30pm Afternoon Service
Third Sunday: 2.30pm Holy Communion
St John the Baptist’s Church, Garsdale
First Sunday: 10am Holy Communion
Second Sunday: 2pm Joint Service at Low Smithy Methodist Church
Third Sunday: 10am Morning Prayer
Fourth Sunday: 2pm Joint Service at Low Smithy Methodist Church
Low Smithy, Garsdale
First Sunday: 10am Joint Service at St John’s, Garsdale
Second Sunday: 2pm Afternoon Service
Third Sunday: 10am Joint Service at St John’s, Garsdale
Fourth Sunday: 2pm Afternoon Service
St Mark’s Church, Cautley
First Sunday: 2.30pm Holy Communion
Third Sunday: 9.30am Northumbrian Morning Prayer
Fifth Sunday: 2.30pm Taizé Service
Holy Trinity Church, Howgill
Second Sunday: 9.30am Holy Communion
St John the Evangelist’s Church, Firbank
Second Sunday: 2.30pm Holy Communion
All Saints’ Church, Killington
First Sunday: 2.30pm Afternoon Service