Sunday 3rd September 2023

Location: Churches in the Western Dales

Every Sunday: 8.30am BCP Holy Communion
First Sunday: 10.30am Morning Service
Second Sunday: 10.30am Holy Communion
Third Sunday: 10.30am Joint Service with Cornerstone Community Church
Fourth Sunday: 10.30am Holy Communion
4pm Teatime Church (a new service, particularly good for children)
Every Monday: 9.30am Morning Prayer
Every Wednesday: 11.30am BCP Holy Communion

St Andrew’s Cornerstone Community Church, Sedbergh
First Sunday: 10.30am Connect@Cornerstone
Second Sunday: 10.30am Morning Service
4pm Messy Church
Third Sunday: 10.30am Joint Service with St Andrew’s, Sedbergh
Fourth Sunday: 10.30am Holy Communionhurch, Dent

St Andrews Dent

First Sunday: 10.30am Joint Service at Dentdale Methodist Church
Second Sunday: 10.30am Holy Communion
Third Sunday: 10.30am Joint Service at Dentdale Methodist Church
Fourth Sunday: 10.30am Holy Communion
Every Tuesday: 9.30am Morning Prayer (BCP Holy Communion on the 1st Tuesday of the month)

Dentdale Methodist Church
First Sunday: 10.30am Morning Service
Second Sunday: 10.30am Joint Service at St Andrew’s, Dent
Third Sunday: 10.30am Morning Service
Fourth Sunday: 10.30am Joint Service at St Andrew’s, Dent

St John the Evangelist’s Churchhurch, CowgiFirst Sunday: 2.30pm Afternoon Service
Third Sunday: 2.30pm Holy Communion

St John the Baptist’s Church, Garsdale
First Sunday: 10am Holy Communion
Second Sunday: 2pm Joint Service at Low Smithy Methodist Church
Third Sunday: 10am Morning Prayer
Fourth Sunday: 2pm Joint Service at Low Smithy Methodist Church

Low Smithy, Garsdale
First Sunday: 10am Joint Service at St John’s, Garsdale
Second Sunday: 2pm Afternoon Service
Third Sunday: 10am Joint Service at St John’s, Garsdale
Fourth Sunday: 2pm Afternoon Service

St Mark’s Church, Cautley
First Sunday: 2.30pm Holy Communion
Third Sunday: 9.30am Northumbrian Morning Prayer
Fifth Sunday: 2.30pm Taizé Service

Holy Trinity Church, Howgill
Second Sunday: 9.30am Holy Communion

St John the Evangelist’s Church, Firbank
Second Sunday: 2.30pm Holy Communion

All Saints’ Church, Killington
First Sunday: 2.30pm Afternoon Service

Every care has been taken in compiling our events list and we believe the information to be correct but we cannot accept responsibility for any inconvenience or expense arising from its use. We suggest that you confirm details and prices directly with the event organiser if you require definitive details.